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Jack's "Orange Tea" Bucket

Jack's "Tea" Bucket


Duel 4 barrel intake to be added
"Orange Tea"Bucket
The start of this one is a 1960’s Kellison body and deck with old Utopia interior fiberglass insert which Kellison sold at the time to complete their kit.
It runs with a 350 Chevy with an Edelbrock Torker intake sporting a 750 Holley dual feed, a Lunati cam & lifters allows it to breath and a Pertronix modified 62 Vette distributor gives it the needed spark. The tranny is a TH350. A Chevy posi 10 bolt is held up by a pair of Mickey Thompsons mounted on Smithie’s chrome 15” X 14”. E78- 14 sneakers are in front with chrome Smithie’s. Paint is orange with metal flake silver edging. One off dash supports a lot of metal flake also.
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